Texas-First Priorities

Securing our Border and Stopping Illegal Immigration

Texas must have a secure southern border. The federal government has continually failed to protect our southern border.

Texas must have a secure southern border. The federal government has continually failed to protect our southern border. Drew Darby has stepped up and passed substantial increases in the state’s commitment to border security, passed the strongest border security bill in the nation, and banned sanctuary cities. The bill authorizes Texas judges to order illegal immigrants back to their country of origin. Drew is a proven leader on border security.

Investing in our Schools

Drew Darby is a proud product of West Texas public schools and works hard for our school children, their parents, and the educators who serve them

Drew Darby is a proud product of West Texas public schools and works hard for our school children, their parents, and the educators who serve them. Drew believes the best investment we can make is in our children. Since serving in the legislature, his focus has been on increasing the investment in our schools and student performance, and cutting burdensome standardized tests and state government bureaucracy. Drew supports the complete elimination of the STAAR tests, and increasing local control over our schools.

Drew believes that the framers of the Texas Constitution were right when they proclaimed: “A general diffusion of knowledge being essential to the preservation of the liberties and rights of the people, it shall be the duty of the Legislature of the State to establish and make suitable provision for the support and maintenance of an efficient system of public free schools.” Texas’ future and economic success depends on a strong public education system.

Supporting our Retired Teachers

Drew Darby is a steadfast supporter of retired teachers.

Drew Darby is a steadfast supporter of retired teachers. Texas’ retired teachers have invested in educating and preparing our future leaders. Drew is proud to support retired teacher by ensuring their pension fund is fiscally sound, consistently supporting a 13th check, and passing a much-deserved cost-of-living adjustment (COLA).

Reducing Property Taxes

For far too long, legislators and big cities to our east have treated West Texas like nothing more than the place they get their energy, food, tax dollars and water.

For far too long, legislators and big cities to our east have treated West Texas like nothing more than the place they get their energy, food, tax dollars and water. West Texas is not a an ATM for urban cities. It is where we live, work, and raise our families. Drew helped pass the largest property tax cut in Texas history — $18 billion.

Energy Security & Independence

West Texas provides the energy to fuel a nation, and Drew Darby is proud to support continued energy security and independence.

West Texas provides the energy to fuel a nation, and Drew Darby is proud to support continued energy security and independence.

Drew Darby spent his life working with energy producers to ensure that Texas can always keep the lights on. Drew Darby has passed many pieces of legislation to expand and modernize electric generation, capacity, and efficiency, while lowering the overall cost to the taxpayer. As a senior member of the Energy Resource Committee, Drew Darby is committed to passing common-sense legislation to defend West Texas’ biggest export.

Shielding Texas Children from Harmful Gender Modification Treatments

“Children are our most precious resource, and Drew Darby is working to make sure they are protected— not exploited.”

“Children are our most precious resource, and Drew Darby is working to make sure they are protected— not exploited.”

Throughout Texas, rouge doctors were prescribing off-label medicines and dangerous and irreversible gender altering surgeries to children to turn a profit. Drew Darby worked to ban these predatory practices and procedures to ensure that Texas continues to let “kids be kids.”

Protecting the Sanctity of Life

Drew Darby is unapologetically pro-life and believes that life begins at conception.

Drew Darby is unapologetically pro-life and believes that life begins at conception. Drew has always been a steadfast defender of the unborn and protecting the sanctity of life. Drew voted for the Heartbeat Bill, which prohibits an abortion after the detection of an unborn child’s heartbeat. Drew has consistently supported increased funding to the state’s Alternatives to Abortion program.

Drew is endorsed by the Texas Alliance of Life and LifePAC.

Safeguarding Private Property Rights

Drew Darby is a staunch supporter of private property rights.

Drew Darby is a staunch supporter of private property rights. Drew has supported legislation to end forced annexation, reform antiquated eminent domain authority, and update the landowner bill of rights.

Drew Darby is endorsed by Texas Farm Bureau and is a member of the Texas REALTORS “Hall of Fame.”

Defending the Second Amendment

Drew Darby has been an unwavering defender of the Second Amendment and the constitutional right to keep and bear arms.

Drew Darby has been an unwavering defender of the Second Amendment and the constitutional right to keep and bear arms. Drew supported open carry, constitutional carry, and legislation that makes Texas a Second Amendment Sanctuary state as a protection against federal overreach.

Drew is “A” Rated and Endorsed by the National Rifle Association.

Backing Law Enforcement

With crime on the rise, it is more important than ever to stand with law enforcement, and Drew Darby is proud to back the blue in the Texas House.

With crime on the rise, it is more important than ever to stand with law enforcement, and Drew Darby is proud to back the blue in the Texas House.

Every day, hundreds of thousands of law enforcement men and women across West Texas put their lives on the line to keep our communities safe. Drew Darby has worked to increase law enforcement salaries, fund additional equipment, and penalize out-of-touch cities who defund the police.

Drew is endorsed by every major law enforcement association in Texas. 

Preserving Texas Water for the Next Generation

Water is the single greatest resource to Texas; Drew Darby is committed to protecting it.

Water is the single greatest resource to Texas; Drew Darby is committed to protecting it.

As a native of West Texas, Drew Darby understands how important access to water is for our expanding, rural communities. During his tenure, Drew Darby has passed legislation to ensure that Texas continues to expand is water resources and modernize its water infrastructure.

Transportation and Infrastructure

Drew Darby believes that transportation infrastructure is critical to the success of Texas and a top priority for West Texas.

Drew Darby believes that transportation infrastructure is critical to the success of Texas and a top priority for West Texas. Drew has consistently worked hard to increase the investment in West Texas roads, rail, and bridges, while not increasing taxes.

Fiscal Policy and Budget Transparency

Drew Darby has devoted a significant amount of his public service to ensuring that state government lives within its means and has a budget that is easily understandable to Texans.

Drew Darby has devoted a significant amount of his public service to ensuring that state government lives within its means and has a budget that is easily understandable to Texans. Drew has supported legislation that strengthens the state’s spending limit, so that taxpayer dollars are spent effectively and efficiently.

Connecting Rural Texas

High-speed Internet is a necessity, and Drew Darby is working to keep our communities connected.

High-speed Internet is a necessity, and Drew Darby is working to keep our communities connected.

The pandemic showed that the internet is not just about entertainment, it is how a growing number of us run our jobs, learn in school, and stay in touch with relatives. Drew Darby is working hard to ensure that West Texas does not fall behind the digital curve by passing multiple pieces of legislation to bring broadband investment to rural Texas.

Economic Development

As a small business owner, Drew Darby is a strong fiscal conservative

As a small business owner, Drew Darby is a strong fiscal conservative, who believes that low taxes, a predictable and consistent regulatory environment, and a fair justice system are crucial to keeping the Texas economy the best in the nation. Drew has consistently supported lowering taxes, cutting bureaucratic red-tape, and tort reform.